Zoomable Population Density Map
If you are looking for elbow room so that you can live an independent lifestyle in the country you may find this map helpful. You can look at this map and in a glance see the areas where fewer people live.
If you are looking for elbow room so that you can live an independent lifestyle in the country you may find this map helpful. You can look at this map and in a glance see the areas where fewer people live.
From its place in schools, to the public square, to people’s individual lives, the current and future role of the Bible in U.S. society is an often-debated topic. A new release from Barna Group shows how this debate plays out regionally and takes a look at how 96 of the largest cities in the nation view the Bible.Continue reading
When it comes to the role of the Bible in their lives, Hispanics show a distinct gap between how they view the Bible and how they use the Bible. While they hold a very high view of Scripture, there seems to be a lack of clarity or desire for how to apply the Bible in everyday life.Continue reading
(CNN) — Dr. Matthew Sleeth is a former emergency room physician. He’s also the author of “24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier, Happier Life.”
CNN: You begin your book by writing about a store owner who vowed to close his store on Sundays, so his employees and their families, as well as his customers, could take the day off. But it didn’t stay that way for long. What happened?Continue reading
Now that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has denied Hobby Lobby’s application for an emergency injunction protecting them from Obamacare’s HHS Mandate on abortion and birth control, Hobby Lobby has decided to defy the federal government to remain true to their religious beliefs, at enormous risk and financial cost.Continue reading